Monday, December 26, 2011

Winter Solstice

I mentioned in the last post that Thursday was The Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year and we celebrate the return of light (longer days). 

Every year we celebrate by having a nice dinner by candle light. This year was no different. It is a nice time to enjoy our family without the craziness that the other winter holidays bring. Amongst the craziness is the shortage of time. Lucky for me, I planned ahead. Last month we made some yummy Guinness Stew to celebrate our Ireland "tour" and there was a lot left over, so, I stuck it in the freezer with the intention of having it for our solstice celebration. This planning ahead made my life so much easier. I popped into the grocery store and picked up a loaf of fresh bread from the bakery, we already had some cheese and sparkling juice at home that would round out the meal perfectly. 

The stew was more than a little hot as you can see by the steam rolling off of it in this picture. 
Does your family celebrate The Winter Solstice? Do you have any other traditions that give you and yours a chance to "stop" time and just be together? 

Coming soon: Wrapping it up, a fresh start, and we're on to the next country in January! Any guesses of where we are heading? 

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